MacFlash Copyright Information Copyright Information MacFlash and MacFlashQuizzer are Copyright ©1995,1996 Michael K. Neylon. All rights reserved. You may freely distribute these programs in the public domain as long as this document remains with the programs in this unmodified form. The author grants permerission for this program to be included in any public domain library (including CD-ROMs) as long as no money is charged for the software (that is, if the customer is only paying the fee for the collection and production of the library, but not for the software itself). This program is in no way related to the debugging tool from Apple of the same name. If the naming of this product is a problem, please contact the author, who will change is as soon as possible. MacFlash is release as donationware - if you like this product, you are encouraged to send $5 or more US dollars to the following address: Michael K. Neylon 2795 Windwood Drive, Apt. 165 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Although you are under no obligation to do so, by sending in this donation, you can expect to see more great Macintosh products in the future, including further development of MacFlash. If you do plan on using MacFlash in a multiple machine situation (such as in a school), you are required to pay for a site licence for the program. The rates for sites licenses are as follows: 1-10 copies: $5 per copy 11-25 copies: $3 per copy 26-50 copies: $2 per copy 51+ copies: $1 per copy A site linecse will allow you to install both programs onto the given number of machines. Furthermore, you may distribute an unlimited number of copies of the quizzer and decks as long as each copy is for student use only. Please contact the author to make arrangements for a site license. You can also contact me via email at, or you can stop by my home page at